The Prophet Muhammad SAW said:
“The believer’s shade on the day of resurrection will be his charity”.
(Al Tirmidhi)

This is one of the water hand pumps installed by the Helping Ummah in one of the poor areas of Pakistan. Donate generously and make continuous reward for your deceased just in £150

Helping Ummah helped a poor family for their daughter’s wedding. You can sponsor a wedding just in £1000.
Masjid "Sayyiduna Siddiq e Akbar RA" is donated by one of our donors on the name of their deceased. You can also make one house of Allah swt just in £4500/£5500


Eid Gift Pack
For as little as £30.00 you can provide a family with an Eid Gift Pack. This pack will provide a family of five to with food on Eid and for at least a further 10 days.

Ramadan Pack
For as little as £50.00 you can provide a family with a Ramadan Pack. This pack will provide a family of five to with food on Eid and for at least a further 10 days.

Sponsor an Orphan Student
For as little as £20 you can sponsor an orphan, poor and deserving student who will be funded for study for one month.

Water Filtration
In several areas of Pakistan, people are unable to get clean water, which leads them to get deadly disease. With your £2000 a water pump and filtration plant will be installed which will benefit the whole village.

Helping Poor Families / Widow
For as little as £50, Helping Ummah will provide food for a family or widow in a hope for them to get food for the whole month.

Sponsor a Wedding
Many poor families are unable to afford even basic budget of a wedding. With your donation they will be able to fulfil their duties very easily. Your small step can bring smile of several faces with just donating £600.

Those who spend their money in the night and in the day, secretly and openly, they will have their reward with their Lord, there is no fear over them nor will they grieve.”
Quran 2:274
Transparent Expenditure
Helping Ummah monitors every donation to ensure that distinct Zakat, Sadaqah and Lillah funds are spent correctly.
100% Donations Policy
Donations change and save lives. Every single penny that you donate is used solely for charitable efforts.
Making a Difference
Let's work together to help the Ummah of 22 million people around the globe.

You can help us by giving your Zakat, Sadqat, Attiyat, Lillah, Fidya & Fitrana.
For paying in account or setting up direct debit, please use the following details.
Helping Ummah
Bank: Lloyds Bank
Sort code. 30-96-26
Account. 49003760
For international customers
IBAN: GB41Loyd30962649003760
BIC/SWIFT: LoydGB21446